Nursing and Digital Technologies

Case studies

Technology enabled care platform
A telecare system that provides regular monitoring of heart failure patients in their homes. Patients upload regular recordings of blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen levels and weight, using a tablet device.

  • NHS/HSC Community Care Organisation
  • Other

Video-based remote patient monitoring platform
Mental health Service Users’ vital signs are monitored without disturbing them, via a camera and infrared monitoring unit installed in their bedrooms. The equipment reads vital signs (Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate) when staff access the vital signs features, and alerts staff to unusual activity that may indicate heightened safety risks (e.g. multiple persons in a room, long periods of time in ensuite bathroom). Nurses can access the system via a screen or portable device. The monitoring can be “paused” (switched off for that room) if it is in the best interests of the Service User.

  • NHS/HSC Mental Health Trust
  • IT & Digital

Video-based virtual consultations
Virtual consultations were implemented in a hospital trust to facilitate patients' remote healthcare appointments. However, without help, patients may struggle to access and attend remote appointments. To address this need, a CNIO facilitated patients' virtual appointments with their consultant. Patients attended their local GP surgery, Walk in Centre, or satellite unit, where the CNIO booked a room and helped them access their appointment, saving on travel time and a hospital visit. This also enabled consultants working from home to provide timely appointments for patients, reduce waiting lists and offer advice and guidance where needed.

  • NHS/HSC Acute Trust
  • Hospital Trusts & Agencies (e.g. Acute Trust)

Wound app
The Wound App is installed on a District nurse's tablet or smart phone; it uses artificial intelligence to convert the device into a piece of equipment that scans a patient's wound and assesses wound condition regarding if it is healing, necrotic, or granulating. Prior to this, paper notes and a tape measure were used to report on wounds.

  • Other
  • District/community nursing